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Character Interview: Judith Chan, witch constable

Shereen Vedam

Judith Chan

Judith’s motto: “Be brief, be bright, be gone”

by Godfrey Plowright from Paranormal Walk, the best online supernatural news magazine in the UK.

Today, I’m excited to be here with the intriguing Constable Judith Chan from the Chipstead nick in Kent, UK.

Constable Chan is certainly a mystery. Everyone I’ve spoken to while researching her background for this interview said that she is an exemplary officer, yet, within the space of three years, she’s worked at the Chipstead nick, left abruptly to take a post at Sevenoaks, and is now back in Chipstead.

There’s a story there, but is it a paranormal one?

Even more interesting is that Judith Chan is rumored to be more than an ordinary constable. According to one of her colleagues who wished to remain anonymous, she’s a witch, in the truly magical sense. A Taoist (pronounced Daoist) witch, well-versed in ancient Chinese lore and spell craft.

[Note: All animals, persons, and newspaper businesses mentioned in this blog post are works of fiction created by Shereen Vedam]

The reason for this interview is that Judith was one of the first responders to arrive at St. Michael’s church after a horrendous murder – with supernatural undertones – was committed there.

Let’s see if Judith can shed some light on these mysterious matters.

Due to COVID protocols, this interview is being held remotely.



GP: [GP is stylishly attired today, wearing a jaunty flat cap, purple shirt and pink tie with a black tie pin of a Halloween witch on a broomstick] Good morning, Constable Judith Chan. May I call you Judy?

JC: No. [sitting at Abbie’s kitchen table, in uniform, eyes his tie pin with disapproval]

GP: [looks eager] Well, I am bowled over by such an intriguing guest with a magical disposition.

JC: I’m a police constable. [flashes her warrant card with her photo, name, rank, authority, and force crest printed on it].

GP: From your perspective, Constable Chan, do you find it frustrating to deal with unnatural occurrences while trying to do your normal job?

JC: The duty of the police is to uphold the law and that is not an average occupation. Any unusual occurrences are swiftly and efficiently handled by all units.

GP: Oh, Judy, Judy, Judy, say it isn’t so. [spoken in an imitation of Cary Grant]

JC: [raises an eyebrow quizzically] Meaning?

GP: You are part of a witchy family known for spells and chicken dishes, aren’t you?

JC: Really? You’re going there?

GP: Yes! Oh, but first, I have a reader question about when reality meets the supernatural. Heather B would like to know if Covid-19 has any unusual or different effects on magical beings. Would it affect your magical ability positively, negatively, or are your kind immune to COVID?

JC: I would be affected the same as anyone else. This pathogen is known to adversely affect many bodily functions, even the brain. I don’t want to think about what it might be like if I could no longer control what I did, magically or otherwise. The moment I heard a vaccine was approved by MHRA and available to first responders, [she smiles triumphantly] I was first in line to get it. Have you received your shot?

GC: I want to be able to interview people in person again, so, yes, I’ve received my first dose. Still waiting to be scheduled for the second. Now let’s talk witchcraft. Did you use your magical powers at St. Michael’s the night of the murder?

JC: We came across a crime scene and an investigation was initiated. Magic had nothing to do with it.

GP: You used no magic at all that night?

JC: [she glances away] I’ve said all I’m prepared to say regarding an open case.

“Stereotypes are unflattering to witches and women.”

GP: Oh, that’s too bad. Well, in that case, let’s talk about you. Does magic truly run in your family, Constable Chan? Come on, give my readers a clue about what’s out there. They don’t wish to be shut out any longer. The world is changing. Do you practice black magic?

JC: No. [she considers him in silence]. I believe in yin yang. Balance and harmony. In finding one’s true path. What do you believe in Mr. Plowright?

GP: Please, call me Godfrey. Do you have a broom?

JC: Yes. Everyone has a broom. [raises an eyebrow]

GP: [chuckles] Oh, of course, I suppose I could use one to tidy up around here. [behind him a tiny broom appears and begins to sweep up on the bookcase, stirring up dust.] Have you ever put a truth spell on a perp?

GP: Do you have a black cat? [coughs and waves his hand to clear the dusty air] Excuse me. A familiar perhaps?

JC: No. Stereotypes are unflattering to witches and women.

GP: No harm meant. Is that a, no?

JC? Yes.

GP: Have you ever brewed a love potion?

JC: No one needs a love potion. No enhancements are required for love

GP: You don’t need any enhancements because you’re beautiful and smart, Constable Chan. [pauses to study her with a slight smile] You are a step beyond the ordinary.

JC: Thank you. [takes a deep breath and leans forward, speaking slowly and intently] Godfrey, love is magic. An unexpected gift. Which I’m sure you’ll soon receive.

GP: [changes subject] Have you met any fairies?

JC: Excuse me?

GP: You know, magical little beings?

JC: [sighs and sits back] No. Not yet.

GP: [checks his notes before looking up] Can anyone be a witch? Or work magic?

JC: Magic happens to those who believe in it. Much like love. Do you believe in love?

GP: [chokes up] Yes. Yes, I do. Thank you, Constable Chan. This has been illuminating. [pauses and then asks in a rush] Would you like to continue this conversation over a chicken dinner?

JC: [smiles gently]  No.

GP: Oh. Okay, fortune favors the bold they say, so I thought it was worth a try.

JC: Indeed. [the broom on the bookcase lays flat just before the video feed ends. Then a long-stemmed pink rose appears over his keyboard]


The next installment of Paranormal Walk will be available in September 2021 when I interview Talin Higgins, a 24-year-old British Trini constable – and an electromagnetic wizard? – from Kent.

I have a reader question for him as well.

Until then, cheerio, Godfrey

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