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Can our personalities be color coded? Blue

Shereen Vedam

This is the last of the Color-Coding personality series, and this time, we’re tackling the introverted, intellectual, and involved, Blue.

Not an easy task, as a Blue would be quick to point out. I’ll need to be accurate, well-researched and thoroughly studious in order to do justice to the sober cool tones of this intense personality.

Being an avowed yellow (sometimes green) – I’m known to exaggerate, be melodramatic, shamelessly expressive and love to wing things – so this peek into the Blue way of thinking might prove to be my toughest challenge.

Then again, as authors, that’s part of our job. We need to portray characters who are unique in fascinating ways. This allows our readers to have an array of personalities to enjoy in a story, instead of cookie-cutter portrayals of the same personality in every book and in every character.

Still, advance apologies to any Blue-leaners out there.

A Color Review

  1. Red (intellectual and action oriented – extroverted)

  2. Yellow (emotional and fun loving – extroverted)

  3. Green (organized and sensitive – introverted)

  4. Blue (detailed and thoughtful – introverted)

Note, everyone of us is capable of responding in any of the 4 color types. In fact, people are often a blend of colors. However, we often lean toward one, or a mixture of two colors.

For an in-depth study of this color theory, please visit Insights Discovery.


Someone who leans into Blue tends to be introverted and likes to know and understand the world around him. He will think before he acts. This person may even seem detached, appearing objective during an emotional situation.

Independence and intellect are highly valued by this lady, as well as written communication, so she can gain clarity and precision. She loves to research and analyze.

Blue’s are so careful, they rarely make mistakes.

How do you suppose a blue might react if a mistake does occur?

And it’s their fault?

A Blue can be a scientist who spends her time immersed in experiments. The landscaper who is precise about his designs. Perhaps he is the administrator who knows the “proper” way to behave in an office. This character could even be a coffee-shop owner, the one who has all the canisters on the counter lined up in alphabetical order.

Think Poirot or Sherlock Holmes.

In my fantasy novel, Hidden, the one character who leans into this introverted, quiet shade, is our hero, Tom. He is reserved, thoughtful, and mired in grief and self-reproach for having made one mistake, when he was a child. Admittedly, that mistake cost lives and shook apart his world and doomed the people he was supposed to guard, but must he pay for his error for the rest of his life?

He apparently believes so.

Here’s an excerpt from Hidden, with Tom. See if you can spot his blue leaning thinking.



by Shereen Vedam

(c) 2019

Anna snagged her elbow as Gilly turned back into the front room. “Where are you going?”

“Just leave.” Dislodging her sister’s clamp on her arm was made harder as Anna intensified her grip.

“Why aren’t you coming with me?”

Her sister was so obstinate. Her reason for not following Anna would just get her insulted again. Considering her crazy plan to rescue Tom, she wondered if she had indeed ale froth for brains. “I’m going to get Tom.”

Anna’s nails bit into her skin. “He’s a drunkard and a murderer. Leave him. They’ll kill you if you go out there.”

Gilly forcefully pulled loose and was certain she lost skin during separation. “He’s taking this punishment for us, Anna. Go to your family. They need you and I can’t help him if I have to worry about you, too.”

Gilly pushed her sister into the back room and shut the door. Before her courage fled, she headed for the front porch and Tom.

Outside, cows trampled everything in sight. Goats were on the thatched roofs. Chickens flew around the Horsemen, many of whom had been unhorsed. The air vibrated with alarmed moos, clucks, and baas in addition to men shouting and women wailing. A burst of laughter startled her but she couldn’t locate where it came from.

One-Eye was further down the street, riding a white stallion and slicing anything or anyone that stumbled into his path. Gilly couldn’t look at that needless bloodshed.

She moved to Tom’s side and focused instead on untying his rope binding. When the last loop unraveled, he collapsed on the front porch with a heavy thump.

She crouched beside him and whispered, “Stand up.”

He didn’t move.

With a frustrated cry, she slung his left arm around her shoulders.

“What are you doing?” He slurred the question around a swollen lip and a missing tooth.

“Getting you out of here.” She tried to lift him and buckled under his weight. For such a slender man, he was heavy. “You need to stand.”

“No.” His gaze trained on the white stallion, he removed his arm from around her shoulders. “He’ll be back. Leave me. Leave Nadym. Not safe here anymore.”

“Fine, I’ll go. With you.”

“No!” His rejection was vehement. “Let me die. I deserve it.”

Gilly sat back in shock. “No one deserves to die.” She said the words with force and then glanced at the frightened crowd on the street. Had anyone heard? No, the din was too loud, thank the Light. Gilly moved his arm back across her shoulders. “You will not die. I won’t let you.” She needed to get him off the porch, away from watchful eyes.

“Stop it.” His protest was fainter this time and his eyes were closed. Any moment now he would be a dead weight.

She debated stringing together a spell to lighten his weight. It was either that or drag him, which would be slower and louder. Before she came to a satisfactory conclusion, someone lifted Tom’s other arm. She gasped in fright before recognizing Anna’s scowling face.

Her sister appeared none too pleased to be back out here.

Gilly’s emotions rocked from relief to horror. She feared her heart was permanently lodged in her throat. “Why can’t you ever listen to me?”

“Do you want help or not?”


“Then shut up and lift. I don’t know why I bothered to help your ungrateful butt. Don’t expect a repeat of the gesture. We’re done once we leave the village. I only came as a ‘thank you’ for coming for me. Now and before.” She paused to gulp in air, as if admitting to the role Gilly played in both those rescues was tougher than hauling Tom.

Gilly squirreled away her sister’s gratitude to cherish later, amazed by its sweetness. For now, what concerned her was Tom’s boots scraping so loud the captain might hear it above the screams of his victims and come galloping toward them. At least the sound masked Anna’s non-stop whispered rant.


To check out people who lean into the other shades of behavior scroll to the bottom of this page and click the tab for Table of Contents (for writers):

  1. Red

  2. Yellow

  3. Green

  4. blue


Know any blues in your life?


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